1. Listen and write.

Listen and complete these sentences from a dialogue.


2. Sentence stress.

Now listen again and decide which words are accented (stressed) in the sentences. What is the main stress, and what is the secondary stress?

3. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and practise the sentences.

1. What do you call those things?
2. You know, the things for keeping the time.
3. For marking the time when you practise the piano.
4. Do you know what I mean?

4. Informal speech.

In informal conversation, when you can't remember a person's name you can say what's-her/his-name instead of the name.

When you can't remember the name of a thing you can say what-d'you-call-it.

Look at the examples. Listen to the recording. Then click on the words you think are stressed and drag them to the box.

5. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and practise the sentences. Try reading aloud at the same speed as the recording.

1. I saw what's-his-name at the airport the other day. You know, the actor. The one who's in that new comedy. Do you know who I mean?
2. I bought one of those what-d'you-call-its to put in the living room. You know, those round things for putting your feet up on while watching TV. Do you know what I mean?