Transcript for "Winning Matters"

Director: So, is there anything else we need to talk about?
Trainer: Well, there is one thing. I've been quite concerned about how Frankie Miller has been playing recently.
Director: He's not on his form, is he?
Trainer: No. He's only scored one goal in the last five matches, and he missed a penalty on Saturday.
Director: Well, maybe he's just tired. He's played a lot of games this season. It might be a good idea to rest him for a couple of games.
Trainer: He's our best player. He has to play.
Director: Yeah, you're right. We could try putting him on a special exercise programme.
Trainer: I'm not so sure it's tiredness myself. The fact is, he doesn't seem happy.
Director: Maybe he's got personal problems. Have you tried talking to him?
Trainer: Yeah, but he insists he's OK.
Director: Well, what about talking to someone in the team who's close to him?
Trainer: That's a good idea. I think he sees Joe socially sometimes. I'll have a word with him.
Director: Let me know how it goes.
Trainer: Will do.