Reading for "Winning Matters"

Comments (3)

Isn't this crusade against drugs in sports a little hypocritical? It's obvious they should just be legalised. Smoking and drinking cause long-term health problems, too, but there would be an outcry if they were made illegal. Nobody forces athletes to take drugs. They know the risks and we should let them make their own decisions!

Improving your performance with drugs is unfair, but it's not the only unfair advantage. Let's face it – athletes from wealthy countries win more because they have access to better facilities, better technology and better coaching than athletes from poorer countries. Why aren't these advantages banned, too?

Are the so-called cheats really villains, or are they victims? Surely the problem of doping is caused by the pressure on athletes to win. Today, only winning is important. Is it any surprise, then, that athletes will do whatever it takes to win? We won't get athletes to change their behaviour till we change ours!
