
rise steadily

1. Describing trends.

Match the sentences with the graphs.

graph a graph b graph c graph d
graph e graph f graph g graph h


For more information about the structure comparative + and + comparative see the Grammar Reference.

2. Describing trends.

Complete the table.

3. Describing trends.

Rewrite the sentences using the correct form (verb, noun or adjective) of the word given in brackets.

For example:

  The number of people who shop via the Internet is growing. (increase)
  An increasing number of people shop via the Internet.

4. Adverbs and adjectives.

Adverbs and adjectives can be used to say how much and how fast things change.

Unemployment went up steadily over the year. (adverb)
There has been a steady rise in unemployment over the last year. (adjective)

Put the adverbs and adjectives into the boxes to show what degree of change is indicated. Click and drag.