Transcript for "Home Sweet Home"

A: Come in and I'll show you around.
B: Thanks. Wow, it looks really good.
A: This is the living room.
B: What a lovely floor! This is a nice idea, having the kitchen next to the window. You can see what you're cooking that way! I like the way that you've used the space in here. Putting the living room and the kitchen together makes it seem really big and light.
A: How about this then?
B: That is a great terrace. You're going to have to have a party!
A: We will soon.
B: I particularly like how you've done the ceiling, with the beams visible. You've done very well with the colour scheme, too. Yeah, simple, but effective: the white walls, the natural wood and the red furniture - they all go really well together.
A: Take a look in here.
B: What a lovely bedroom! In fact, what a lovely flat. You've done a great job.
A: Yeah, yeah, thanks. I'm really pleased with it, too.