1. Vocabulary.

Choose the best option.

2. Grammar.

Choose the best option.

3. Functional language.

Choose the best option.

4. Reading.

Read Salma's description of her day. Mark the sentences true or false.

On weekdays I normally get up at about 7 a.m. I make a sandwich for my son and have a shower. Then I have breakfast and read the newspaper. After breakfast I get ready for work. I live very near my office. I walk to work. I work from 8 to 2:30 and then go home for lunch. After lunch I return to work. In the afternoon I work until 5:30 or 6. After work I usually go for a walk or do some sport. I have dinner at about 9. I watch the news on TV and sometimes watch a movie or read a book. I normally go to bed at 11:30.


5. Listening.

A man is describing what he does after work. Read the questions first, then listen and choose the correct options. Remember that you can listen more than once.

6. Speaking.

Read and record the description. In this Test section, you can only do this exercise once.