5. Storytelling for job interviews

Learn about and practise storytelling for job interviews.

1. Vocabulary: Storytelling for job interviews.

What is storytelling?

Storytelling can be a valuable asset in job interviews, helping you effectively communicate your experiences, skills, and qualifications. In this section we will look at some basics of storytelling for job interviews:

In the text above, do you understand what assets and skills are? Practise vocabulary related to storytelling. Match the words to the definitions. This exercise is in two parts.

Part 1

Part 2

2. Storytelling tips.

Read the tips for storytelling. Choose the correct heading for each section.

Remember that storytelling is a tool to help you effectively communicate your qualifications and leave a lasting impression. By incorporating these storytelling basics into your interview preparation, you can increase your chances of showcasing your skills and experiences in a compelling and memorable way.

3. The STAR method.

In the previous exercise the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method is mentioned. Do you remember? Drag the stages into the correct order.

4. The stages of a story.

In a following exercise, you will read an example of a story. Before you do that, put the sentence starters into the correct section of a story. The title of the story is "Turning challenges into marketing triumphs".

The first section, Introduction, has been completed for you. (This exercise continues on the next tab.)


In my previous role at...
I was tasked with...
Recognizing the opportunity for innovation, I...

5. The stages of a story.

Now complete the second part of the previous exercise. Put the sentence starters into the correct section of a story.

6. An example of a story.

Read the story and choose the correct heading for each section.

This example illustrates how a candidate can use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure a story that highlights their skills, problem-solving abilities, and achievements in a previous role. When telling such stories in a job interview, it's essential to tailor them to the specific job requirements and emphasise how the experiences relate to the new role.

7. A summary of the story: Reading comprehension.

Read the story again. Mark the statements 1 to 10 true or false.

Story title: "Turning challenges into marketing triumphs"


In my previous role at XYZ Company, I was tasked with updating the marketing strategy for a product line that was facing declining sales. Recognizing the opportunity for innovation, I eagerly embraced the challenge.


Our market research revealed a shifting consumer landscape and increased competition. The product, once a market leader, was losing its appeal. Morale within the marketing team was low, and there was no belief that we could succeed.


As the newly appointed Marketing Manager, my task was clear: revitalise the product's image, boost sales, and motivate the team. It was a complex challenge that required a comprehensive approach.

Questions 1 to 4:


I initiated a collaborative brainstorming session to gather insights from team members. We conducted analysis into consumer feedback, identifying pain points and desires. Using this information, we aligned the product to fit emerging trends and customer needs.

To increase engagement, I spearheaded a social media campaign that focused on storytelling. We created stories around the product's heritage, quality, and its ability to meet the evolving needs of our target audience. The campaign also featured user-generated content, fostering a sense of community around the brand.

Simultaneously, I implemented a data-driven approach to marketing analytics. By closely monitoring campaign performance, we could quickly adapt our strategies based on real-time feedback. This allowed us to fine-tune our messaging for maximum impact.

Questions 5 to 7:


Within six months, we witnessed a wonderful turnaround. Sales increased by 25%, and the product regained its status as a market leader. The collaborative efforts of the team were recognised with an industry award for Best Marketing Campaign.

Lessons learned

This experience taught me the importance of adaptability, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making in marketing. It reinforced my belief that challenges are opportunities in disguise, and with the right strategy, even a struggling product can be transformed into a success story.

Connection to new role

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my strategic marketing skills, creativity, and passion for turning challenges into triumphs to your team. I believe my experience aligns seamlessly with the dynamic and innovative environment of your company.

Questions 8 to 10:

8. Vocabulary in context.

Read the story again. Tap or click on the underlined words and choose the correct definition.

Story title: "Turning challenges into marketing triumphs"


In my previous role at XYZ Company, I was tasked with updating the marketing strategy for a product line that was facing declining sales. Recognizing the opportunity for innovation, I eagerly embraced the challenge.

Our market research revealed a shifting consumer landscape and increased competition. The product, once a market leader, was losing its appeal. Morale within the marketing team was low, and there was no belief that we could succeed.

As the newly appointed Marketing Manager, my task was clear: revitalise the product's image, boost sales, and motivate the team. It was a complex challenge that required a comprehensive approach.

I initiated a collaborative brainstorming session to gather insights from team members. We conducted analysis into consumer feedback, identifying pain points and desires. Using this information, we aligned the product to fit emerging trends and customer needs.

To increase engagement, I spearheaded a social media campaign that focused on storytelling. We created stories around the product's heritage, quality, and its ability to meet the evolving needs of our target audience. The campaign also featured user-generated content, fostering a sense of community around the brand.

Simultaneously, I implemented a data-driven approach to marketing analytics. By closely monitoring campaign performance, we could quickly adapt our strategies based on real-time feedback. This allowed us to fine-tune our messaging for maximum impact.

Within six months, we witnessed a wonderful turnaround . Sales increased by 25%, and the product regained its status as a market leader. The collaborative efforts of the team were recognised with an industry award for Best Marketing Campaign.

Lessons learned
This experience taught me the importance of adaptability, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making in marketing. It reinforced my belief that challenges are opportunities in disguise, and with the right strategy, even a struggling product can be transformed into a success story.

Connection to new role
I am excited about the opportunity to bring my strategic marketing skills, creativity, and passion for turning challenges into triumphs to your team. I believe my experience aligns seamlessly with the dynamic and innovative environment of your company.

9. An applicant's phone call.

Drag the words to complete the story. This exercise is in three parts. Scroll down to see Parts 2 and 3.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

10. Text reconstruction.

Choose the correct options to complete the “Connection to new role” stage of the story.