Transcript for "{Unit name}"

Transcript for Listening

1 Question: What do you think the chances are of England winning the World Cup?
- I think they stand a good chance of winning.
- You must be joking. They haven't won since 1966.
- Well, they did get to the semi-finals in 1994. And they were unlucky not to do better last time.
- Yeah. But if they play like they did last week they run the risk of getting knocked out in the first round.
- But that was a friendly. I mean, they've got a pretty good team, especially if Shearer and Owen are on form.
- OK. But it's bound to be won by Brazil or Germany. I mean, they wouldn't have won in 66 if they hadn't been playing at home.
2 Question: Do you think James is going to lose his job?
- I don't know. But if he goes on like this I think he's asking for trouble. He's been off sick ten days in the last month.
- Yeah. I think he's in danger of getting the sack. If he's not off sick then he's in late and off home early before finishing his work. In the type of place where we work you don't survive too long if you don't put in the hours.
- Right. And if they do boot him out, chances are he'll get a very bad reference, and that would make it hard for him to get another decent job.
3 Question: Is it going to rain this weekend?
- I think it might. It's pretty cloudy out there.
- Didn't you see the forecast?
- I did, yeah, but I can't remember what they said. I think they said that it'd be dry tomorrow with a bit of drizzle on Sunday.
- Oh, Derek. I told you to watch the forecast! There's no way I'm going camping if I'm going to get soaked to the skin in some field in the middle of nowhere.
- Don't worry. If it does really pour down we could always look for a bed and breakfast.
4 Question: Where do you think John is?
- I'm sure he'll be back soon.
- Well if he doesn't hurry up he'll miss the start of the film.
- There's no need to worry. The traffic's always pretty heavy at this time of the day.
- Yeah, I expect you're right.
5 Question: Do you think the government will have to announce early elections?
- I think it's highly improbable.
- Why? They surely have no alternative considering the latest scandal.
- OK, there is the scandal, and the opinions all show that this government has sunk to unprecedented depths of unpopularity, but I think that will make them want to hang on until the end of their mandate and hope that things get better over the next fifteen months. The odds against them winning are too great just now. No, I'm convinced that the government will announce the latest date possible, which is some time in June next year.