1. Medical vocabulary.

Choose the correct word for each definition.

2. Pronunciation: Medical vocabulary.

Word stress
The stress in a word is the part that we accent, or emphasise.
For example, in the word medicine, the stress is on the first syllable, med.

Listen to, repeat and record the words. Try to copy the correct word stress.

3. At the doctor’s.

Watch a video of a doctor and patient talking.
Choose the correct doctor’s report for this patient.

Report 1  
Doctor: John Hall
Patient: Jane Henderson
Date: 23 November
Symptoms: feels tired all the time / legs ache / back problems
Lifestyle: working a lot recently / goes swimming once a week
Diagnosis: the flu
Prescription: no
Next visit: 25 November


Report 2  
Doctor: John Hall
Patient: Jane Henderson
Date: 23 November
Symptoms: feels tired / back aches / temperature
Lifestyle: working a lot recently / swims occasionally
Diagnosis: probably working too much at the moment
Prescription: yes – for sleeping pills
Next visit: 30 November if not better


Report 3  
Doctor: John Hall
Patient: Jane Henderson
Date: 23 November
Symptoms: has a very bad back
Lifestyle: goes running or swimming every day
Diagnosis: the flu
Prescription: yes – for medicine to help with back pain
Next visit: telephone next week to arrange time


4. Questions and answers.

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the dialogue.

5. Vocabulary search.

Look at the transcript for the dialogue.

Write down a list of all the medical vocabulary you can find.

See answers


6. Vocabulary practice.

Write the correct medical word in each box to complete the sentences. The first letter is given.