
A: Hi, um, I'd like to rent a bike.
B: No problem. It's a quiet day today, so we've got lots to choose from. What kind did you want to rent: racing bike, mountain bike, or maybe something special, like a tandem?
A: No, no, just a normal bike. I guess a mountain bike would be best; I just want to ride around the park.
B: OK. And you'll be wanting it for how long?
A: Oh, just a few hours ... depends how tired I get, I guess. Do I have to decide now?
B: No, that's OK – as long as you bring it back by 8 p.m., 'cause that's when we close tonight.
A: OK, I'll bring it back at about 7:30. I'm sure I'll have had enough by then.
B: So, before you take it, I'll just need a few details to fill out this form, if that's OK.
A: Yeah, of course.
B: Right, then. Your name?
A: Michael. Michael Brown.
B: OK, and your address, Michael?
A: Umm, well I'm staying with my mum at the moment, so I'd better give you her address. It's 48 Smith St, Sydney, 2495.
B: Sorry, what was the post code?
A: Oh, 2495.
B: OK. And the phone number at your mum's?
A: 02 334 4445
B: Right. And you're renting one mountain bike, yes?
A: Yes, that's right.
B: OK, well it's 2:30 now, so I'll write that time on the form ... 14:30 ... and you'll bring it back at 7:30, yeah?
A: Yeah, that's right.
B: OK, well, the last thing is, we need a deposit. Twenty dollars would be good if you've got it.
A: Yeah, sure, here you are.
B: And if you could just sign here ... that's right. Well, that's that then. Let's go get your bike out.