
A: Hello, Intel Language Centre. Debbie speaking. How may I help you?
B: Oh, hi. I wanted to ask about some of your language courses.
A: Yes. Which language were you interested in studying?
B: Well, that's the thing, you see, I'm not really sure. I've always wanted to study Spanish – I just love the Spanish poets, you see – it would be so marvellous to read them in the original.
A: Yes.
B: But my wife's Greek and we're going to Greece in the summer, and it would be kind of good to be able to communicate a bit with her parents, so maybe I should study Greek.
A: Well, that does sound like a good reason to study. Perhaps you could study both.
B: Hmm ... no, I'm pretty busy with work at the moment, so I think I'd better just make it the one language. The Greek classes, when are they?
A: Well, it depends on the level – different levels are on different days. Would you be a beginner?
B: Um, I'm not sure. I've been to Greece quite a few times, and I always pick up a bit when I'm there – you know, I can say hello, chat a bit in the cafés, stuff like that.
A: Oh, right. You'd probably be best in an elementary-level class, then – you know, for people who can already speak a bit, but don't necessarily know any grammar, or how to write or anything.
B: Yes, that sounds like me.
A: Well, those classes are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 6 to 8 p.m.
B: OK. And when does the next course start?
A: In five weeks' time. I'll tell you what, why don't I fill in an enrolment form for you now, over the telephone – for the Greek course – and I can send you more information about the courses and the centre in general.
B: OK, that'd be great.
A: So, your name?
B: Phil, Phil Bennett. That's with double n and double t.
A: Double t, OK. And your address?
B: Flat 2, 24 Barton St, Charleston, 9705.
A: Sorry, what was that post code again?
B: 9705
A: Right, and your phone number?
B: 678 9970
A: OK, Phil, well the next course starts on the fourth of July, so I'll put you down for that one, yeah?
B: Yeah, for the Greek. And maybe I'd better do the beginner – at least to start with.
A: OK, beginner's class. We'll give you a little test when you come in anyway.
B: Oh good. And could you tell me how much it is?
A: Yes. The course lasts for three months and is twice a week. The cost is $350, and that covers tuition and your books.
B: OK. Well, thanks very much Debbie – and you'll send me that information, right?
A: Yes, it'll be in the post today. Well, bye Phil.
B: Bye.