
And how is your preparation for the field trip going?
There are a lot of things to organise in a short time so we’ve made a list of the things we need to do and tried to divide it up where possible. Marco’s working on getting our permission to work on the site.
Yes, some of the administrative paperwork can only be completed individually but as a lot of the information we need to provide is going to be identical, I’ve made a start with some of the forms, and Gemma just needs to add her personal details. There was a postal delay with the visas but I got mine yesterday and Gemma’s arrived this morning. We’ll both need to attend the antiquities services government agency in person before we’re given final clearance. Which reminds me, Gemma, you still need to get your passport photos done.
Ah yes. I was hoping to get them done last weekend but I didn’t get a chance. I should be able to get them done tomorrow.
Great, our appointment with the agency is on Tuesday so we should have everything we need by then.
And have either of you been in touch with Xavier from the expedition team to find out what equipment you’ll need to take with you?
Yes, he emailed me a list and I’ve been able to buy most of it for both of us. The essentials are all quite straightforward ... a torch, batteries, sun protection. Oh, and our own notebooks. I’ve got a first-aid kit for us to share with an assortment of bandages, disinfectants and ointments. Xavier told us that they have most things there, but that it’s useful to have our own set. All the tools and measuring equipment are on site so we won’t need to take any of that.
Good, and what about vaccinations. Do you need any jabs?
Well, I went to India last year so I’m up to date with most of mine – I’ve got a vaccination certificate. I just need to sort out malaria tablets.
I need quite a few vaccinations so I’ve booked an appointment at the hospital travel clinic. I won’t be able to get your malaria tablets for you though, Marco, they told me you’ll need a prescription for your own supply. 
OK, no problem. I’ll make an appointment with my doctor.
What about travel insurance? That’s important.
Yes, I went to student services to ask about that. It seems there’s a special package for students and we can get a discount through the university. So I’ll fill in the forms for both of us.
Great, well you seem to have all the preparation underway. Just make sure you don’t take too much luggage with you. You’ll have to carry your own rucksack, maybe for long distances, so it’s best to travel light.