
rob, steal, burgle...

1. Steal, rob and burgle.

Rob, steal and burgle are all criminal actions.

If you steal something, you take it:

  • Thieves broke into my car and stole the radio.

You use rob to talk about people and banks.
If you rob a bank, you go in and steal money from it.
If you rob a person, you steal something from that person.

  • A masked man robbed the bank in the high street and stole £500,000.
  • Someone robbed me when I was coming out of the underground.

You use burgle to talk about houses and offices.
If you burgle a house or office, you go in and steal something.

  • My house was burgled when I was on holiday.

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

2. Crimes and criminals.

Here are the crimes and criminals for the words you met in the previous exercise:

verb criminal crime
burgle burglar burglary (pl: burglaries)
rob (a bank) robber robbery
rob (a person) thief (pl: thieves) theft
steal (a thing) thief (pl: thieves) theft

Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of words from the table:

3. Criminals.

Complete the definitions using the best word from the box below.

4. Listen.

Listen to eight people talking about different crimes. Decide what the crime is.

5. Crimes and criminals.

Complete the table. Use the previous exercise to help you.

6. Missing word.

Which ONE word can complete all the sentences?

Thieves _____ into my house.
Our car _____ down on the way to the airport.
The couple _____ up five years after getting married.
Two prisioners _____ out of the prison.
An arm _____ off the statue when they were moving it.