6. Verb patterns: verb + -ing

Review and practise the verb pattern verb + -ing, for example, recommend keeping.

1. Verb pattern: verb + -ing.

Verb patterns: verb + -ing

She recommends keeping an egg timer by the computer.

Two other verbs with similar meaning that take this pattern are:


She advises keeping an egg timer by the computer.
She suggests keeping an egg timer by the computer.

Note how the pattern changes if the person who is receiving the recommendation is mentioned:

She recommends (that) addicts keep an egg timer by the computer.
Addicts are recommended to keep an egg timer by the computer.
but She advises addicts to keep an egg timer by the computer.
NOT She advises that addicts keep an egg timer by the computer.
and Addicts are advised to keep an egg timer by the computer.
and only She suggests (that) addicts keep an egg timer by the computer.
NEVER She suggests addicts to keep an egg timer by the computer.
or Addicts are suggested to keep an egg timer by the computer.

Decide which of the following sentences are correct:


For more information about the verb pattern verb + -ing see the Grammar Reference.

2. Rephrasing.

Change the sentences using the word in brackets, so that the sentence keeps the meaning of the original. Remember to include punctuation.