1. Job application tips, advertisements and descriptions

Read job application tips, analyse job descriptions and advertisements, and learn useful language.

1. Job application quiz.

Do the job application quiz and practise useful vocabulary.

2. Job advertisements.

Read the job listings and choose the correct job title for each one.

3. Job advertisements: Vocabulary.

Use the words to complete the three job advertisements.

Now complete this job advertisement.

Now complete this job advertisement.

4. Job search tips.

Use the words to complete the introduction to a selection of job search tips.

5. Job search tips.

Read the job search tips and choose the correct heading for each one.

6. Job application tips.

Read the tips on applying for a job. Choose the best summary sentence for each section.
(Remember, you can see the definitions of the underlined words.)

7. CV keywords.

Read the information about keywords in CVs. Choose the correct definition for the underlined words.

Employers often look in CVs for keywords that also appear in the job description. Incorporating these keywords in your CV can improve your chances of being selected for an interview. CV keywords include specific job requirements, skills, specific competencies (for example, in software or technology), qualifications and your work history.

For instance, a candidate for a position in Web development might use the following CV keywords: Web design, systems administration, relational database, Web animation, Web graphics, computer science degree, etc.

A good way to find keywords for your CV is to look at job listings in the kind of job that you are seeking and that match your background and experience. Job search engines are useful for this. By checking different results, you can find words and expressions that are common in the job postings, and which you can incorporate into your CV.

8. More job tasks.

Now choose the correct job for more descriptions of responsibilities and requirements. (Remember, you can put your cursor on underlined words to see a definition.)

9. Job tasks.

Can you remember? Put the words with the job that they relate to. This exercise is in two parts. Scroll down to see Part 2.

Part 1

Now complete Part 2.

Part 2