1. Types of text.

Look and listen.

2. Types of text.

Can you remember? Choose the correct option.

3. Types of text.

Use words from the previous exercise to complete the sentences. Drag the words, or click the word and then click the gap.

4. Texts.

Check you know the meaning of these words.

1. We are going to postpone the meeting until next week.
2. The bus was packed, so I couldn't get a seat.
3. Trains run on tracks.

Paolo is travelling. Read his texts and drag them into chronological order.

5. Texts.

Look at Paolo's texts again. Mark the sentences true or false.

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.


6. Abbreviations.

Paolo uses a number of abbreviations in his texts. Find the abbreviations and drag them into the box. (Hint: There are 12 in total.)

7. Expand the message.

Drag the words to make complete sentences.

Note that p.m. is always abbreviated. It means "after midday" (a.m. is used for times before midday).

8. Text language.

Here are some things that people do to simplify texts. Match each description with an example.

9. Writing texts.

Rewrite these messages making them as short as possible. Then look at a sample text.

1. Can you do Thursday or Friday at midday?
  Sample answer
2. Thursday at 11:00 is OK for me.
  Sample answer
3. OK, see you on Thursday at 11:00 at my place.
  Sample answer
4. My plane is on time. I'll text you when I arrive.
  Sample answer
5. I'm running late and I won't be in the office until 11:30. See you later.
  Sample answer
6. Thanks for your help. I'll come by tomorrow at about midday. Is that OK with you?
  Sample answer

Can u do Thurs or Fri midday?

OK c u Thurs 11 @ my place.

Plane on time. Txt u when I arrive.

Running late & won't b in office til 11:30. C u later.

Thx for help. Will come by 2moro bout midday. OK?

10. Writing Tutorial 1.

Here are five text messages from someone who is stuck on the subway and can't get to work. Simplify the messages as much as possible and send them to your tutor.

1. I'm stuck on the subway and I'll be late for work.

2. We've been waiting here for 25 minutes. We still haven't had any information. Can you tell the others? Thanks!

3. Hi, Mark. I'm stuck on the subway. We'll have to cancel the 10 o'clock meeting. Can you do tomorrow at 10 o'clock? I'm very sorry about this!

4. I'm sorry, but tomorrow at 12:30 I have an interview. But I'll be free after 3 o'clock. Shall we meet then?

5. We are moving again! Hopefully I'll be in the office in half an hour. What a disaster!