Transcript for "{Unit name}"

Message 1
Hello. My name's Ana Volt. I'm phoning with a message for Robert Jones. Um, I can't make it to the meeting we arranged for Wednesday. Can you ask him to phone me to arrange another day and time?

Message 2
This is Miriam from Trust-Us Insurance Company. I'm phoning about your claim. Our assessor can come on Friday at 11 o'clock, if that's all right with you. Please phone to confirm the appointment. Our number is 900 664 373. Thank you.

Message 3
This is Lydia, phoning from Net Bank, with a message for Robert Jones. We need you to come in to the office to sign some papers related to the bank credit you've requested. Let's see, I'll be in the office all day today, but I'll be away tomorrow. So, you can come in today – Monday – or Wednesday, but not on Tuesday. OK?