1. Days.

An image showing the days of the week.

Put the days of the week in the correct order.

2. Write the days.

Write the days in the correct order. Remember to start the word with a CAPITAL letter.

Listen and repeat the days.

3. Months.

Put the months in the correct order.

Listen and repeat the months.

4. Months.

Do the crossword.

Click on the words to see their meanings: before, after








5. Daily activities.

Type the missing letters of each daily activity.

Listen and repeat the activities.

6. Daily activities.

What's the activity? Drag the words, or click the word and then click the gap.

Listen and repeat the activities.

7. Daily activities.

Put the activities in the correct order.

1 2 3

8. Dramane's day.

Write the words. The first letter is given.

A photo of an African boy.

9. Paz's day.

Look at the pictures and complete the description.

10. School subjects.

Read part of an email. Find 13 school subjects. Put the school subjects in the box.

A photo of an young Asian wearing a cap.

11. School subjects.

Click and listen.

12. Can you remember?

Choose the correct option.

13. A school timetable.

Listen and complete the timetable for Monday to Thursday.

P.E. = physical education
I.T. = information technology