1. Contractions.

Listen. Click on the sentence you hear.

Now listen and repeat the sentences.

1. I am from New Zealand.
  I'm from New Zealand.
2. You are correct.
  You're correct.
3. She is American.
  She's American.
4. He is a teacher.
  He's a teacher.
5. It is a good book.
  It's a good book.
6. We are from Italy.
  We're from Italy.
7. They are my friends.
  They're my friends.
8. Henry is here now.
  Henry's here now.

2. Hear the difference.

Listen. Click on the sentence you hear.

3. Short or long?

Listen to the sounds.


Listen to the examples.

listen /lɪsən/ i = a short sound (---)
please /pli:z/ ea = long sound (---------)


Listen. Do these words have a short or long sound? Put the words in the correct box.

Now listen again and repeat the words.

4. Practise the sound: /ɪ/.

Listen to the sound.

This sound is in words like it, his and think.

Listen to and record the words and sentences.

5. Practise the sound: /iː/.

Listen to the sound.

This sound is in words like me, he’s and these.

Listen to and record the words and sentences.

6. Dictation.

Type in the boxes. Write the sentences you hear. You will hear each sentence three times.

7. Practise your pronunciation.

Listen again, practise and record the sentences.