I'm not ... / I don't go ...



Use not to negate a verb. Not comes after the verb to be and before other verbs (between auxiliary verbs and the main verb).

Verb to be: be + (not)

  • I am Australian.
  • I'm not American.

All other verbs: auxiliary verb + (not) + verb

  • I live in Barcelona.
  • I don't live in Toowoomba.

1. Negation: Verb to be.

Contractions of the verb to be.

I am not Australian. = I'm not Australian.
You are not French. = You're not French.
Jim is not American. = Jim's not American.

Put the word not in the correct position in each sentence.

2. Write.

Make the sentences negative.

For example: I'm a teacher. I'm not a teacher.

3. Affirmative vs. negative.

I normally eat a sandwich for lunch, but I don't leave the office. After lunch she normally works from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., but on Friday she doesn't work in the afternoon.

Complete the tables with the words in the box.

4. Facts.

Select the correct option.

5. Word order.

Put the words in order to complete the sentences.

6. Write.

Write the correct form of the verbs.