Are you ...? / Do you go ...?



Questions using the verb to be are formed by inverting the subject and the verb.

Affirmative She is Spanish.
Question Is she Spanish?

Questions using other verbs are formed with an auxiliary verb do or did before the subject. (do = present, did = past)

Affirmative You like football.
Question Do you like football?

Affirmative She likes football.
Question Does she like football?
NOT: Does she likes football?

Affirmative You started work yesterday.
Question Did you start work yesterday?
NOT: Did you started work yesterday?


If the answer to a question is yes or no, the question starts with an auxiliary verb or the verb to be.

  • Did you like the film?
  • Are you Irish?

If you want more information, the question starts with a question word like who, where, what, when, which, why or how.

  • What are you doing?
  • Who did you see?
  • Where do you work?

1. Questions and answers.

Match the questions with the answers.

2. Listen.

Listen to the questions. Choose the correct answer.

Listen and repeat the questions.

3. Missing words.

Complete the questions.

4. Question words.

Read the questions and answers. Choose the correct question word to complete the questions.

5. Write.

Write the question.

6. Correct or incorrect?

Are the questions below grammatically correct or incorrect?

7. Sentence correction.

Now correct the incorrect sentences from the previous exercise.