
spend / waste time doing

1. Spend / waste time doing.

What do you think? Choose the correct option to complete sentences about how people in Britain spend their time.

2. Can you remember?

From memory, can you complete the sentences?

3. Write questions.

Looking at the pictures below, write down questions similar to the example.



For example:

How many hours a week do you spend exercising?

When you have finished compare your questions with the suggested answers.

See answers

How many hours a week do you spend watching TV?
How many hours a week do you spend reading?
How many hours a week do you spend sleeping?
How many hours a week do you spend doing housework?
How many hours a week do you spend waiting for the bus?
How many hours a week do you spend cooking?
How many hours a week do you spend eating?
How many hours a week do you spend working?

4. How long does it take?

It takes Londoners three hours a week to get nowhere.

This means roughly the same as:

Londoners spend three hours a week getting nowhere.

Change these sentences in the same way.

5. Questions.

Write the questions for these answers.


It takes Tom an hour to walk to work.
How long does it take Tom to walk to work?

1. It took Harry two hours to do his homework.
2. It took Joyce 15 years to write Ulysses.
3. It takes me 10 minutes to get dressed.
4. It took them 24 hours to fly to Australia.
5. It took her a week to paint the kitchen.
6. It takes me 15 minutes to get home from work.
7. It takes Jenny an hour to have a bath.
8. It took Kubrick about 10 years to make a film.


Now compare your answers.

See answers

1 How long did it take Harry to do his homework?
2 How long did it take Joyce to write Ulysses?
3 How long does it take you to get dressed?
4 How long did it take them to fly to Australia?
5 How long did it take her to paint the kitchen?
6 How long does it take you to get home from work?
7 How long does it take Jenny to have a bath?
8 How long did it take Kubrick to make a film?