-ing form: an overview

swimming pool / after swimming / was swimming

1. -ing forms.

Look at the examples of -ing forms in these sentences.

A. I went to the swimming pool yesterday.
B. I was swimming and I saw a big fish.
C. After swimming I sat on the beach.
D. I like swimming.

Match the examples to these grammar explanations.

2. -ing forms.

Choose the correct explanation for each of the -ing forms.

Slow shopper banned

A woman has been banned from a Tesco store for taking too long over her weekly shop. Ana Carvo, aged 37, spent four hours browsing in the Weston-super-Mare store before being told by the management that they objected to her "shopping habits". Miss Carvo is demanding a full apology. She has been a regular shopper at Tesco for the last three years. She says she arrived at around 6 p.m. and spent some time looking at magazines before moving on to the cosmetic department, where she studied various brands of shampoos and other products. She then went to the clothing section, where she admits spending a long time inspecting various garments. Miss Carvo went to leave the store when it closed at 10 p.m. after buying some products at the pharmacy and spending nearly 14 pounds on groceries. It was then that she was stopped by security men, who took her to an office where she was asked to empty her bags. She was eventually allowed to leave, but was told she was banned.

3. Word order.

Order the words to make more sentences with -ing forms.

4. Can you remember?

Can you remember the sentences from the previous exercise? Type in the missing words.