Transcript for "Drills and Chants"

  1. Teacher: What colour is it? Together!
    Kids: What colour is it?
    Teacher: Again!
    Teacher: Good.

  2. Teacher: What colour is it? Laia?
    Laia: What colour is it?
    Teacher: Good. Sergi?
    Sergi: What colour is it?
    Teacher: Good. Elena?
    Elena: What colour is it?
    Teacher: Good.

  3. Teacher: It's red. Repeat!
    Kids: It's red.
    Teacher: Good. "White".
    Kids: It's white.
    Teacher: Good. "Yellow".
    Kids: It's yellow.
    Teacher: OK, good.

  4. Teacher: Laia, what colour is it?
    Laia: It's yellow.
    Teacher: Good. Now, ask Victor the same question.
    Laia: Victor, what colour is it?
    Victor: It's purple.
    Teacher: Good. Now, ask Elena the same question.
    Victor: Elena, what colour is it?
    Elena: It's red.
    Teacher: Good.

  5. Teacher: Do you want.
    Kids: Do you want.
    Teacher: Colour do you want.
    Kids: Colour do you want.
    Teacher: What colour do you want?
    Kids: What colour do you want?
    Teacher: Very good!