Transcript for "{Unit name}"


Interview 1

Now, a few questions if I may.
Harrison, Tony Harrison.
Tony Harrison.
OK. Job?
Right. Now, on the night of January 14th, that's to say last Saturday. Could you tell me your movements.
Well, I was in the pub, wasn't I. With me mate.
Who's that?
Jezza. Jerry Stubbs. We were having a few beers, playing pool.
From when to when?
Well, I was there at about 6, yeah it was 6 because I remember looking at my watch and thinking, it's six, and Jerry's still not here. Well he arrived about ten minutes later, and we had a few games of pool and then we left about nine.
Where did you go then?
We went to the takeaway next door and had a kebab. I had a kebab, Jerry had a burger of some description.
And after that?
After that? We went back to the pub, and played pool till closing time at eleven. Then I went home. And that's it really.
And Gerry - he left the same time as you?
Yeah, and he went home too.
Well, that'll be all for now, thanks.

Interview 2

Have a seat. I just want to ask a few questions about last Saturday night.
First of all, your name, age and job?
Gerald Stubbs. 27. Iwork in a photo shop. Shop assistant.
Right. Now, last Saturday night, January 14th. Can you describe your movements?
Well, yeah, I finished work at six. Then I went to the pub and erm met up with Tony.
Tony Harrison?
And then?
Well, we played a few games of pool, and had a few beers, and that was it really.
How long were you there?
Well till closing time. Eleven or so.
You didn't leave during that time?
Oh, yeah, we popped across the road to the takeaway for a bite to eat. Around nine.
What did you have?
I had a hamburger. I can't remember what Tony had. A kebab I think.
And after eleven?
We said goodnight and I went home.
Well, that's all, thanks very much.