Identifying tone groups

This painting represents a kangaroo hunting for its mate.

1. Tone groups.

Listen to these two sentences.

The painting represents a kangaroo.
The painting represents a kangaroo hunting for its mate.

The first sentence has just one tone group.
The second sentence has two tone groups:

The painting represents a kangaroo | hunting for its mate.

Listen to these short phrases and sentences. How many tone groups can you hear?

2. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and repeat the phrases. Pay attention to the tone groups.

1. At the top.
2. At the top of the painting there's a mountain.
3. At the top of the painting there's a mountain, and on the right, a circle.
4. There are some tools.
5. There are some tools in the bottom right-hand drawer.
6. There are some tools in the bottom right-hand drawer with all those other bits and pieces.
7. In Europe purity is symbolised by white, but in Asia it is often the symbol of mourning.
8. In Europe purity is symbolised by white.
9. In Europe purity is symbolised by white, but in Asia...
10. In Europe.

3. Dictation.

Write exactly what you hear. First you will hear the whole text, then it will be read at dictation speed.

Now compare what you have written with the original text.

See transcript

4. Listen and read.

Listen again, following the text. Then try reading aloud at the same speed as the recording.

See transcript