Question tags and intonation

You speak German, don't you? Your wife's a doctor, isn't she?

1. Question tags.

Listen to these sentences. Are they the same or different?

2. Question tags.

Listen to these sentences. Can you hear the difference?

1. You're hungry, aren't you? = I'm telling you.
2. You're hungry, aren't you? = I'm asking you.

Decide if the speaker is telling or asking.

3. Listen and repeat.

Listen to the following sentences and then try repeating them, using the correct intonation.

1. You're single, aren't you?
2. You're single, aren't you?
3. You're hungry, aren't you?
4. You're hungry, aren't you?
5. You worked in Japan, didn't you?
6. You've lived abroad, haven't you?
7. You speak German, don't you?
8. Your wife's a doctor, isn't she?

4. Speak.

Say the following sentences. Try to use the correct intonation.

1. You've worked with computers before, haven't you? (asking)
2. You've worked with computers before, haven't you? (telling)
3. You have my application, haven't you? (asking)
4. You've met our staffing officer, haven't you? (telling)
5. You got my letter, didn't you? (asking)
6. You're studying Chinese, aren't you? (asking)
7. You speak Chinese, don't you? (telling)
8. You're not Chinese, are you? (telling)


Now listen to see if you were correct.