Pronunciation Practice


See sample material

  • The sounds /∫/ and /t∫/ (shop - chop, cash - catch...) Sample


  • The vowel sound /i:/ (please, meet, dream...)
  • The schwa sound /ə/ (browser, server, scanner...)
  • The vowel sounds /ʊ/, /ɒ/, /ʌ/ and /əʊ/ (pull, lost, company, approach)
  • The vowel sounds /əʊ/, /aʊ/, and /uː/ (cope, about, choose...)
  • -ed endings (1) (decorated, walked, stored...)
  • -ed endings (2) (changed, mended, washed...)
  • 'd - would / had (You'd have seen more of the island if you'd hired a car.)
  • The letter h (house, home, honourable...)
  • The sounds /ʃ/ and /ʧ/ (shop - chop, cash - catch...) Sample
  • The suffixes -ible and -able (sensible, dependable, eatable...)
  • Pronouncing acronyms (AIDS, UK, UFO...)


  • Used to (I used to go swimming every morning.)
  • Homographs (row /rəʊ/ - row /raʊ/; windy /wɪndi:/ - windy /waɪndi:/...)
  • Homophones (whale – wail, sore – saw)
  • Spelling and pronunciation patterns: -ough, -ought, -augh, -aught (cough, thought, laugh, taught...)
  • Spelling and pronunciation patterns: ie and ei (heirs, field, veil...)

Word stress

  • Word stress in food words (vinegar, champagne, aubergine...)
  • Changing stress in word families (significance, significant, signify...)
  • Compound words (Are you online? I like online learning.)
  • Two- and three-syllable words (chimney, cottages, continue...)

Phrases and sentences

  • Sentence stress (This is not really my cup of tea.)
  • Correcting and clarifying information (1) (A: I think Jane likes Madonna. B: Jane hates Madonna.)
  • Correcting and clarifying information (2) (A: Do you like this blue jacket? B: I prefer the red one.)
  • Constructive stress (Maybe you don't remember, but I did tell you there was a meeting today.)
  • Contradicting information (We have not seen this film before.)
  • Sentence stress and rhythm (He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do, ...)
  • Sentence stress and linking words (What's his name? What-do-you-call-it?)
  • Phrasing and stress (Lie on your back on the floor.)
  • Phrasal verbs (What are you looking up?)
  • Articulating difficult phrases (Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.)
  • Complex numbers (fifty-seven point five per cent)
  • Contractions (I don't suppose they'd have minded if we'd come...)
  • Connected speech (Just keep it all together.)


  • Identifying different accents (bath - bath; bottle - bottle...)

Tone groups

  • Identifying tone groups (This painting represents a kangaroo hunting for its mate.)