Transcript for "Cities"

Amaya: Where are you from, Andy?
Andy: I'm from Belfast.
Amaya: And you live in Barcelona now?
Andy: Yes, that's right.
Amaya: So, what's Belfast like? Is it very different from Barcelona?
Andy: Yes, very. It rains a lot in Belfast. And Barcelona is much hotter. In Belfast the high in summer is usually about 72 degrees, and in winter the low is about 26 or 27.
Amaya: Really! The climate is better here then.
Andy: Yeah, I think so.
Amaya: And is Belfast a big city like Barcelona?
Andy: No, it's smaller than Barcelona. There aren't many tall buildings. The downtown area is nice and there are more parks than there are here. Though transportation is a problem in Belfast. There isn't a subway and the bus service isn't very good. Transportation is much better in Barcelona.
Amaya: What about prices and the cost of living? Is it cheaper in Belfast?
Andy: Um, houses are cheaper. Food is about the same, but it's more expensive to eat in restaurants in Belfast. But beer is definitely cheaper in Barcelona.
Amaya: Uh-huh. And is Belfast on the coast?
Andy: Yes, it's on the coast and on a river, the River Lagan. It has a big port too, like Barcelona has, but the port in Belfast is smaller than the one here in Barcelona.
Amaya: Belfast sounds like a nice place. So why are you living here in Barcelona?
Andy: Well, I like it here, and this is where my girlfriend lives.
Amaya: Oh, yeah. That's a good reason.
Andy: Yeah. I think so.