
mammal, flipper, fin...

1. True or false?

Here are some facts about dolphins. Are they true or false?

2. Word order.

Put these words in order to make more facts about dolphins.

3. Matching.

Match the description to the picture.

A. Porpoises are smaller than dolphins, growing to between 1.2 and 2 metres in length. They have rounded conical heads and blunt noses. They are bluish-black above and whitish below. They have triangular fins.

B. Killer whales are the largest of the dolphin family, measuring up to 9 metres in length. They have large rounded flippers and a very tall triangular dorsal fin.

C. Dolphins grow between 1.8 and 2.4 metres in length. They have a well-marked beak and forked fins. The body is black or dark brown above and white below.