Reading for "{UnitName}"

Citizens' helpline call
Attendant: Atención Ciudadana. Buenos días. ¿En que le puedo ayudar?
Kelly: Hi. Do you speak English?
Attendant: Yes, I do.
Kelly: Ah, good. I wonder if you can help me.
Attendant: Certainly.
Kelly: Um, I've been trying to find out about how to apply for a temporary resident card.
Attendant: I see.
Kelly: But I'm a bit confused. I'm not sure I understand what I have to do. Um, I don't know if this is the right number to call.
Attendant: Ah ... yes. I can give you that information.
Kelly: Ah, great!
Attendant: Just a minute, please, while I access the right page. ... OK. Yes. Let's see. ... OK, so ... yes, the application form for a temporary resident card ....