Travel blog: My best holiday

Match the words to the pictures.

1. Holiday activities.

2. Read.

Read a blog entry about a trip Layla went on in Australia. Which activities did she do?


This was the best holiday I’ve ever had. We had to fly into Melbourne, and then we were taken by boat to Hobart, Tasmania. We were met there by our guide, Fred, who was just fantastic. He took us to our campsite and showed us how to put the tents up, and then we all went for a walk on the beach. It was so beautiful. The next morning, we got up early and were taken by bus to the beginning of a four-day walk across Cradle Mountain. It was really hard walking, but so much fun – and awesomely beautiful. Sometimes it got pretty difficult and scary – we were shown how to do abseiling and rock climbing, but I didn’t really like that. After that, we had a couple of days to rest, which was great – just hanging out at the beach, or having coffee in town. I went horse riding on the beach one afternoon – I loved it, even though the horse didn’t always do what I wanted!  And then, suddenly, it was time to come home again. Tasmania is a fantastic place for a holiday, so I think I’ll go back there next year.

3. Text completion.

Use the phrases below to complete the blog entry.

4. Write.

Write a similar blog about a holiday or trip that you went on (or imagine that you went on). Use the phrases from exercises 2 and 3. Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and the organisation of your blog entry.