Scientific article: Happiness

1. Health vocabulary.

Put the letters in order to make health words.

2. Read.

Now read the newspaper article about happiness. Then choose the best summary sentence below.

Life's simple pleasures can keep your body healthy

The scent of a flower, the taste of chocolate, or happy memories can help our bodies fight infections, scientists have discovered. Life's simple pleasures have the effect of stimulating the immune system. The positive effects can last for hours or even days. But a bad smell or a guilty conscience appears to weaken our defences against common ailments such as colds and flu.

These claims have been made by Arise, a group of scientists and academics who research the health benefits of happiness. The scientists believe that pleasurable experiences could help the body stay healthy for three or four days. "Consequently, many of life's small pleasures could have a cumulative effect in stimulating the immune system over a longer period," they told the Daily Mail. "People could benefit from reviewing the day's happy events before they go to bed. However," they said, "an accumulation of problems during the day – or the stress of keeping something secret from your partner – had the effect of lowering resistance against infections."

Which of these sentences summarises the text best?

3. Can you remember?

What can you remember from the article? Match the two parts to make statements from the article.

4. Linking ideas.

Complete the newspaper article from exercise 2 with the words below.

5. Write.

1. An informative text.

Write a similar article to the newspaper article about happiness. The title of the text is "Being sad can make you unhealthy". Write about 120-150 words.

Use these words in your text:

however, at least, or, but, such as, consequently
appears to, believe, said, told
can, could

Check spelling, grammar and the organisation of your article.