Grammar Reference


-ing form

Use the -ing form after these verbs to express likes and dislikes: like, love, prefer, enjoy and hate.

The -ing form is also used after the verbs go, spend time, start, stop, admit, deny, keep and (don't) mind.

Use -ing forms after prepositions. Certain verbs and adjectives take certain prepositions.

Adjective + preposition + -ing

be good / bad at
be interested in
be proud / ashamed / afraid of
be worried / concerned / excited about

Verb + preposition + -ing

agree with, believe in, insist on, think of, be arrested for, be accused of, be bored with, be fed up with

Before or after + -ing

Use the -ing form to make suggestions after How about...?, What about...?, Do you fancy...?.

The -ing form is also used in many compound nouns and to pre-modify a noun, like an adjective.

The -ing form can also post-modify a noun, like a relative clause.

The -ing form is used in non-finite clauses.

It + -ing form

The -ing form is common when functioning as a noun, after the word it.

Determiners + -ing form

The -ing form is also common as a noun, following a determiner.


There are many common collocations with -ing forms.