1. Can and can't.

The kakapo can't fly, but it can climb trees.


Complete these sentences by putting can or can't in the correct place.


2. Word order.

Put the words in order to make questions.

3. Questions and answers.

Write answers to the questions from exercise 2. Remember to include a full stop at the end.

Can kakapos fly? No, they can't.
Can they climb trees? Yes, they can.

For more information about can and other modal verbs see the Grammar Reference.

4. Present simple.

Put these verbs in the correct place in the text.

5. Present simple.

Choose the correct form of the verb.

6. Missing words.

Complete these texts. Write a word in each space.

7. Questions.

Write the questions for the answers given.

For example:

Kakapos live in New Zealand.

Your Question
Where do kakapos live?

8. Questions and answers.

Choose the correct answer.

For more information about the present simple see the Grammar Reference.

9. Answers.

Now, write the answers to the questions in the last exercise.

10. Articles.

When we are speaking generally, we can say:
The koala can climb trees.


Koalas can climb trees.

but not:

The koalas can climb trees.

Here are some general statements. Correct the sentences that are wrong. Select the word that is not necessary.

11. Article or no article?

Read these texts. Decide if the is necessary or not.


For more information about articles see the Grammar Reference.

12. Text completion.

Complete the text by typing in the correct word in each space.