1. A talk: ADHD.

Listen to part of a talk on ADHD. First predict the order that you think you will hear the answers to these questions. Then, listen to check if you have predicted correctly.

2. Note taking.

Imagine that you are taking notes as you listen to the talk on ADHD. First read the notes below. Then listen and put them in the order that you hear each piece of information.

3. A talk: ADHD.

Complete the extract of the talk using the words below, and then listen to check your answers. This exercise is in two parts.  Scroll down to see the second part.

Part 1

Now complete Part 2.

Part 2

4. A conversation about education.

Listen to a conversation between Julie and Paul about learning experiences. Put the topics in the order that they are discussed.

5. A conversation about education.

Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct options.

Which speaker ...

6. A conversation about education.

Now listen to part of the conversation one more time and type in the missing words.

7. A conversation about education.

Now choose the correct options to complete the next part of the conversation.

8. A conversation about education.

Listen to a final part of the conversation and type in the missing words. The number of missing words is indicated.

Listen to the complete conversation again and read the complete transcript.

For more listening practice, visit the TED site and watch Ken Robinson's talk "Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity", which has had over 30 million views.