1. Word stress in longer words.

How do you pronounce these words? Put them in the correct box according to the number of syllables and which syllable is stressed. This exercise is in two parts. Scroll down to see the second part.

Part 1

Now do the same with these words.

Part 2

Now listen and practise saying the words. You can see the words here.

2. Spelling: Adverbs.

Listen and write some of the adverbs from the previous exercise.

3. Listen and speak.

Listen to, repeat and record some of the words from the previous exercises.

3. Practise pronunciation.

Listen, and put the words in the order that you hear them. The first and last few words have already been done for you. Then listen again, and practise saying the words.

4. Phrasing.

Listen to part of the introduction to the TED talk. Mark the places where the speaker pauses by selecting the last word in each phrase.

5. Phrasing.

Now listen again and mark the stressed word or words in each phrase. Select the word or words. The first one has been done for you.

6. Phrasing.

Now look at the end of the talk. Decide where the pauses should be. Select the last word in each phrase, then listen to check if you are right.