Transcript for "{Unit name}"

OK, so, there have been a number of themes running through this unit so far, haven't there? There's the one of the hierarchy of subjects in current education systems, and the focus on conformity rather than creativity. Is that right? Also, there's the theme of addressing or educating our youth for the needs of the unforeseeable future. Finally, there is the idea that we are inherently creative – all inherently good at something – but that we are systematically trained out of this, steered away from this for the sake of outdated academic conventions. Am I right?

Now, I'm sure you all have an interest in education, don't you? I mean, we all have our experience of education to reflect on, haven't we? It's like, in retrospect, it's much easier to see the match – or mismatch – of education and life, you know, to see what aspects of our education we have drawn on and have found useful. Don't you agree?