can / can't


Ability: can / can't

We use can to express ability.

  • Chimpanzees can count to 10.
  • Can you play the guitar?
  • I can't play the guitar.

Can has only present and past forms.

  • Can you play the guitar? (present)
  • I could swim faster when I was young. (past)

Be able to is used for other aspects.

  • Will you be able to play on Saturday? (future)

1. Abilities.

Dogs can swim, but they can't climb trees.

Complete these sentences by putting can or can't in the correct place.


2. Questions.

Put the words in order to make questions.

3. Questions and answers.

Write answers to the questions in the previous exercise.

Can dogs climb trees? No, they can't.
Can they swim? Yes, they can.

For more information about ability and can see the Grammar Reference.