my / your / Fiona's dog

Possessive adjectives and possessive 's

Possessive 's

We normally use 's for: people, animals, organisations and countries.
  • the girl's name (= the name of the girl)
  • the dog's ears
  • the association's policy
  • Spain's decision

We also use 's for when/time expressions.

  • tomorrow's menu
  • a month's holiday
  • yesterday's problems
  • today's news

For other cases we normally use an of structure.

  • the author of the book
  • the leg of the chair
  • the rules of the game

1. Using 's.

We use 's in different ways:

  1. Marianna's father = the father of Marianna ('s = possessive)
    Marianna's sister = the sister of Marianna ('s = possessive)

  2. Marianna's 18 years old. = Marianna is 18 years old. ('s = is / verb to be)
    Marianna's a student. = Marianna is a student. ('s = is / verb to be)

Read the sentences. Is the 's possessive, or is it is from the verb to be?

2. Possessive adjectives.

I am a teacher. My name is Mike.
Marianna's father is an accountant. His name is Rodrigo.
Marianna's sister is a student. Her name is Rita.

My, his and her are possessive adjectives.

Subject pronoun Possessive adjective
I am Mike. My name is Mike.
He is Rodrigo. His name is Rodrigo.
She is Rita. Her name is Rita.


Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

3. Write sentences.

Look at the information. Complete the sentences.

Computer: Nova 2000
Email address:
English teacher: Frances
For example:

Eva's computer is a Nova 2000.

Her email address is

Her English teacher's name is Frances.


Computer: PCT 5100
Email address:
English teacher: Brian


Computer: Apex Notebook
Email address:
English teacher: Jim


Computer: Stellar MX
Email address:
English teacher: Katherine