I / me / my

Pronouns and possessive adjectives

Pronouns and possessive adjectives

Pronouns are words that can be used in place of nouns.

  • My daughter is studying architecture. She is here today. (She = my daughter)
  • Tennis is fun, and it is easy to play. (it = tennis)
    she, it = subject pronouns
  • Do you like coffee?
  • Yes, I like it. (it = coffee)
    it = object pronoun
I me my
you you your
he him his
she her her
it it its
we us our
they them their

  • Peter lives in Barcelona. This is a photo of him and this is his house.
  • Look at the children! They've got their clothes all dirty!
  • Can you let me use your bicycle at the weekend?

1. Name the words.

Match the words in bold to the grammar terms.

2. Can you remember?

Use the words in the box to complete the chart.

3. Practice.

Replace the words in bold with a pronoun or a possessive adjective. Remember to begin a sentence with a CAPITAL LETTER.

4. Using pronouns.

Complete these sentences by changing the word(s) in the text box to a pronoun.


For more information about pronouns and possessive adjectives see the Grammar Reference.