Sentence stress

This is not really my cup of tea.

1. Sentence stress.

Listen to the sentences. Select the words that are stressed.

2. A rule of thumb.

Choose the correct option.

3. Sentence stress.

Select the words that you think are likely to be stressed in these sentences. The correct number of stressed words is given.

4. Practice.

Now practise the sentences. Then, record yourself and compare it to the original recording.

  1. It's a bit too grim for my liking.
  2. What I like about it is the use of colour.
  3. The amazing thing about it is its sheer size.
  4. As far as I'm concerned, it's completely overrated.
  5. Look how cleverly and easily it portrays the reclining figure.
  6. It's interesting how the illusion of light and shade is achieved.
  7. I find it kind of intriguing, the complexity of the composition.
  8. It looks like the artist was trying to convey something profound.
  9. It's undoubtedly the best interactive artwork I've ever experienced.