Contractions (2)

She's a collector. She's collected....

1. Contractions.

Look at these two sentences:

1. He collected 101 dalmatians. (past simple)
2. He's collected 101 dalmatians. (present perfect)

Can you hear the difference?

Now listen to these sentences and decide if they are past simple or present perfect.

2. Contractions.

Look at these sentences:

She's got 101 dalmatians. = She has got 101 dalmatians.
She's collected 101 dalmatians. = She has collected 101 dalmatians.
She's a keen collector. = She is a keen collector.

Listen to these sentences.

What is the contraction: is or has?

3. Listen and repeat.

Now look at a transcript of the sentences.

See transcript

Listen to the sentences again and practise saying them. Pay attention to the contractions.