Numbers and times

2 1/2, 2:30, 230...

1. Numbers and times.

Listen to the numbers and times and choose the one you hear.

2. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and repeat.

1. 2 ½
2. 2:30
3. 2:15
4. 2:50
5. 5:30
6. 5:05
7. 720
8. 270
9. 2.05
10. 2.50

3. Listen and write.

Listen to the sentences and write what you hear.


Check answers

1 It takes me an hour.
2 It takes me more or less an hour.
3 It takes me more or less half an hour.
4 It takes me more or less half an hour to get to work.
5 It takes me more or less half an hour to get from home to work.
6 It takes me more or less half an hour to get from home to work by bus.

4. Listen and repeat.

Listen again and repeat. Pay attention to the rhythm.

1. It takes me an hour.
2. It takes me more or less an hour.
3. It takes me more or less half an hour.
4. It takes me more or less half an hour to get to work.
5. It takes me more or less half an hour to get from home to work.
6. It takes me more or less half an hour to get from home to work by bus.