Country and nationality word stress

Japan - Japanese, Brazil - Brazilian...

1. Countries.

Listen to how these countries are pronounced.

Put the countries into the boxes below, depending on which syllable is pronounced.

2. Nationalities.

Do you know the nationality for each country?

Now listen and check your answers.

3. Word stress.

Look at these two examples.

POland POlish

In the first example, the stress is on the first syllable of the country (POland) and the stress is also on the first syllable of the nationality (POlish). The position of the stress is the same.

In the second example, the stress is on the second syllable of the country (JaPAN), but it is on the third syllable of the nationality (JapanESE). The position of the stress is different.

Is the position of the stress on the countries below on the same place as the nationality? Listen and decide if the stress is the same or different.

4. Listen and repeat.

Listen to and repeat the countries and nationalities.

Japan – Japanese
Brazil – Brazilian
Nepal – Nepalese
Vietnam – Vietnamese
Tibet – Tibetan
Poland – Polish
Russia – Russian
China – Chinese
Sweden – Swedish
Norway – Norwegian