Email: Recent news

1. Read.

Read part of an email from a mother to her son describing changes in the neigbourhood.

… Will continue this letter this afternoon, when I have some more time to sit and write.

There have been a lot of changes in the neighbourhood recently. They've done a lot of work on the beachfront and made a path right along the top of the beach. I walk along there to the shop every morning to buy the paper. The shop seems to change owners every six months and doesn't have much in the way of food any more. So we do most of our shopping at the big supermarket at Kipparing now.

What else? Oh yes. The house next door has been sold. The new owners want to extend it at the back. Builders to start next month, so there will be more chaos here for a while. Quite a nice couple have moved in on the other side of us. They've got a young daughter and a big dog called Tia. It likes sticking its nose through the fence to say hello.

Give my love to Anita and Bruce.


2. Sentence order.

Here is the text again in the wrong order. Drag the sentences to put them in the correct order. The first and last sentences have been done for you.

3. Verb forms.

Put the verb (in brackets) in the correct form to complete part of the email.

4. Write.

Imagine you are writing to a member of your family who is living in another country now. Tell him/her about things that have changed or will change in the future in your neighbourhood, town or city. Use the email in exercise 1 as a guide.

Write 150-200 words. Check the spelling, grammar and organisation carefully.