Report: Comparing facts and figures

1. A survey report.

Drag the phrases from the box below to complete the report.

2. Paragraphing.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph.

3. Paragraphing.

Which paragraph should each piece of information go in? Choose between 1 (Introduction), 2 (Survey results), 3 (People’s comments) and 4 (Conclusion).

4. Write.

Imagine that you did a survey in your country about how people spend their time at home. Write a short report like the one in exercise 1. Think of a title for your report and invent the information it contains. Write about 150 words.

Organise your report with these headings:

  • Introduction
  • Survey results
  • People’s comments
  • Conclusion

Include these words and phrases:

spend time
waste time
take ... (time) to do something
People spend ...
The average ... takes ...
roughly/nearly/over/about ...
To sum up
between ... and ...
just under
an average of

Check spelling, grammar and the organisation of your report carefully.