1. Choose a famous person. Write some true sentences and some false sentences about this person. For example:

This famous person is Salma Hayek:

She is an actor and producer.
She was born in Colombia.
Her birthday is in September.
Her father’s family came from Lebanon.
She is married to a Canadian billionaire.
She lives in California.
She has two children: a daughter called Valentina and a son called Fiore.
She speaks Spanish, Arabic, English and French.

Is the information true or false?

Post your sentences in the Pre-Elementary Forum.

2. Go to the Pre-Elementary Forum. Read the sentences from the other students. Are they true or false? Check the information in the Internet. Click on "Write a reply" and write your answers. For example:

Salma Hayek doesn’t come from Colombia. She comes from Mexico.
Her husband isn’t Canadian. He’s French.
She doesn’t have two children. She has one daughter.