What animal is it?

1. Describe an animal. Include this information, but don’t say the name:

Type of animal
Life span

For example:

This animal is a mammal. It is very big. It is grey or brown in colour. The males are between 3 m and 4 m tall. They weigh between 5,000 kg and 6,000 kg. They have very big ears and a trunk. They live in Sub-Saharan Africa, in forests or in the bush. They eat leaves and other green things. They live in family groups. They can live up to 70 years. What animal is it?

Post your description in the Elementary Forum.

2. Go to the Elementary Forum. Read the descriptions from the other students. Do you know the name of the animal? Click on "Write a reply" and write the answer. For example:

I think this animal is an African elephant.