Grammar Practice


See sample material

  • Present simple (I go / she eats) Sample
  • Present simple vs. present continuous (I read vs. I am reading) Sample
Verb tenses
  • Tense review (1)
  • Tense review (2)
  • Questions (different tenses)
  • Present simple (I go / she eats) Sample
  • Present simple vs. present continuous (I read vs. I am reading) Sample
  • Past simple vs. past continuous (I worked vs. I was working)
  • Present perfect (I have finished)
  • Present perfect + for and since (I've lived here for)
  • Present perfect continuous (I have been studying)
  • Ways of talking about the future (I will start / I'm going to start / I start)
  • Future expectation (hope / expect)
  • Verbs of planning and organising (intend / plan / consider / prepare / arrange)
  • Predictions (might / will)
  • Advice, requests, ability and possibility (can / could / should)
  • Possibility (might / could)
  • Possibility (might / could / can)
  • Possibility (can vs. could)
  • Obligation (need to / have to / should)
  • Giving advice (should / ought to / why not / consider / why don't you)
  • Speculation (might have existed)
  • Used to + infinitive (used to ride)
  • Active vs. passive (I sent the letter vs. the letter was sent)
  • Sentence topic passive (it was considered a failure)
  • Formal and informal style (they stole it / it has been stolen)
  • Conditional sentences (if you go / if you went)
  • Hypothesising (would)
  • Negation (not / never / nobody / no one / nothing)
Pronouns and possessive adjectives
  • Pronouns vs. possessive adjectives (I / me / my)
  • Pronouns (I / me)
Possessive forms
  • Possessive forms (-'s / of)
  • Prepositions of place (at / in / on)
  • Prepositions (towards / on / near / close to / to / at / with / down)
Verbs and verb patterns
  • Verbs (want to go / like going)
  • Verbs (spend /waste time doing)
  • Verbs to describe a process (start / stop / carry on / keep / finish)
  • Verbs associated with the five senses (look / sound / feel / taste / smell)
  • Noun + of + -ing (the effect of stimulating)
  • Find it + adjective + to + infinitive / adjective + at + -ing (find it hard to tell / bad at doing)
  • Verb + noun + -ing / verb + noun + infinitive (see a man walking / see a man walk)
  • Verbs + adverbs (cut round / tie together / pull apart)
  • Sequencers (first / then / next / after that / finally)
  • Connectors / linkers (but / however / although)
-ing form, infinitive and participle clauses
  • -ing forms (swimming pool / after swimming / was swimming)
  • Preposition + -ing form (interested in travelling)
  • -ing form in compound nouns (swimming pool)
  • Verb + -ing form (he enjoys shopping)
  • Reporting verbs + -ing form (they report seeing an ape)
  • Infinitives for expressing purpose (to buy milk)
  • Participle clauses (set in Ireland)
Giving instructions
  • Giving instructions (passive / by + -ing / should + so that)
Noun phrases
  • Noun phrases (tourists looking for a room with a view would love it)
Adverbs of manner
  • Adverbs of manner (walk slowly)